Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Monday, 19 March 2012
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Pittsburgh Bound
I'm in Pittsburgh for 3 days to see a Pittsburgh hockey game. It is so hard to eat healthy while on vacation let alone the states. Everywhere you turn there is fast food and very unhealthy food. Try go shopping at the outlets and find something healthy at the food court, not much. Here is a good idea, for dinner we went to the grocery store and picked up a pre-made whole chicken, a salad, and a bag of carrots. 4.99 for a whole chicken, wow...it's $7 to $8 at home. I could get use to the cheap prices, 6% tax (compared to 13% at home), and no tax on clothes.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Sea Picture
Have a good picture and would look good on your walls. Blow up the picture and put the picture in a nice frame (side-by-side if you have two).
Friday, 16 March 2012
Deals of the week
Grocery shopping - Ontario
No frill:
Lean ground Beef 1.88 lb save 2.21 (packages are around $4 to $5)
Chocolate Milk 1% 4L 3.88 save 2.51
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2.88 save 3.61
Butter salted (unsalted not on sale) 2.88
Mini watermelon 1.88
Mozzarella & Provolone 500g 3.88 save 2.11
Raw shrimp 340g 3.88 save 1.49
Salmon 4.88 save 1.09
Mini carrots 2lb 1.88
Ground Chicken (not in flyer) 2.88lb (Packages are around $3 - 4)
Kraft salad dressing 250ml .88 save 1.31
Diana Sauce 1.88 save 1.31
Unico Beans .88
Always pads and Tampax 2.88 save $1
Minute Maid Orange Juice 1.88 save 1.09
Folgers Coffee 7.88 save 3.09
Green Giant Veggies 1.88 save 1.05
Tetley tea 1.88
Classico sauce 1.88 save 1.79
Nescafe Coffee 3.88 save 2.59
Robin Hood Flour 4.88 save 4.61
Charmin basic tissue 4.88 save 4.11
Ben's Rice (brown and white) 4.99 save .50
Total saving: $49.51
I saved: $37.61 +
Don't forget to Price Match if you find a better price or sale somewhere else. Just bring your flyer with you.
No frill:
Lean ground Beef 1.88 lb save 2.21 (packages are around $4 to $5)
Chocolate Milk 1% 4L 3.88 save 2.51
Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2.88 save 3.61
Butter salted (unsalted not on sale) 2.88
Mini watermelon 1.88
Mozzarella & Provolone 500g 3.88 save 2.11
Raw shrimp 340g 3.88 save 1.49
Salmon 4.88 save 1.09
Mini carrots 2lb 1.88
Ground Chicken (not in flyer) 2.88lb (Packages are around $3 - 4)
Kraft salad dressing 250ml .88 save 1.31
Diana Sauce 1.88 save 1.31
Unico Beans .88
Always pads and Tampax 2.88 save $1
Minute Maid Orange Juice 1.88 save 1.09
Folgers Coffee 7.88 save 3.09
Green Giant Veggies 1.88 save 1.05
Tetley tea 1.88
Classico sauce 1.88 save 1.79
Nescafe Coffee 3.88 save 2.59
Robin Hood Flour 4.88 save 4.61
Charmin basic tissue 4.88 save 4.11
Ben's Rice (brown and white) 4.99 save .50
Total saving: $49.51
I saved: $37.61 +
Don't forget to Price Match if you find a better price or sale somewhere else. Just bring your flyer with you.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Removing Pet Urine
I am an expert at removing pet urine. From the time I was born to now, we have had 12 animals that have lived at my parents at one time or another. I have found that once one animal pee somewhere, the others would just do it for the sake of it.
Step 1 - Blot the Urine
Your first step to cleaning a stain is to blot the liquid with paper towels until the towels no longer show any discolouration.
Step 2 - Use a BrushIt may be necessary to scrub the carpet. Start from the outside of the stain and move to the centre. Never scrub outward as you may spread the odour further out in the carpet.
Step 3 - Natural Pet Urine Remover
I have found the best products to use are hot water, white vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. I have also heard of using rubbing alcohol and club soda but have never tried.
I have used 1 cup of hot water, 1/4cup white vinegar, and if on hand All Purpose Cleaner. I use the lemon to get the vinegar smell out because after a while your house will smell like vinegar.
Rubbing alcohol can be applied directly to the stain. Allow it to soak, and then rinse the spot with cool water.
The acidity of white vinegar kills bacteria that causes odour, making it a good choice for a cat urine remover. Mix 3 parts water with 1 part white vinegar (spray bottle is a good idea). Put the solution on the stain. Rinse the area with soap and water.
Baking soda with water works as well. Apply the mixture to the carpet and rinse with soapy water. You can also sprinkle the baking soda directly onto the carpet to absorb the odour and liquid and vacuum it up.
Lemon also works since the acid eliminates odour causing bacteria. Squeeze lemon juice in some water and then scrub the soiled carpet with a cloth or brush. Rinse the carpet with soap and water.
Step 4 - Cat Urine Remover
Don’t ever use a cleaning product that contains ammonia on a cat urine stain because it will make the odour worse. Immediately clean up cat urine until there is no odour left, or the cat will continue to urinate in the same spot. Problems associated with a cat frequently urinating on the carpet are a dirty or inaccessible litter box, a dislike for certain kinds of litter, or stress due to separation anxiety, loneliness or illness.
How to clean ink stain???
- Treat a thickly folded absorbent white cloth with Hair Spray, dab the affected area with cloth, and blot with dry towel simultaneously
- Treat a thickly folded absorbent white cloth with Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol, dab the affected area with cloth, and blot with dry towel simultaneously.
- Treat a thickly folded absorbent white cloth or with Nail Polish Remover, dab the affected area with cloth, and blot with dry towel simultaneously
- If one solvent cleaner does not adequately solve the problem, move down to the next in the order these cleaners are given. NEVER apply solvents directly onto surface.
Also note that certain stains are permanent.
How to clean sink stains..(coffee, pop)
The kitchen sink should be one of the cleanest surfaces in our home. Unfortunately, quite often, the kitchen sink is full of germs. After all, the kitchen sink sees a lot of action. We rinse our fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, poultry, and almost anything we can think of in the sink. We drain our pots and pans into the sink. We wash dishes, glasses, and silverware in the sink.
To clean your sink without bleach, wet the sink then sprinkle baking soda over sink to make a paste. Add more water if needed. Wipe the sink, the drain and the stopper. Once all stains are gone, including the coffee and pop stains, rinse sink and wipe dry.
Three day set back.
I have been away from home for the past 3 days and it has been hard to stick to my diet. I tried to bring my own food but it only covered my lunch for three days. It's hard being in a house with my brother and sister and their diet consists of sour candy worm, chips, and cookies. My 3 main meals were not to bad, just a lot more carbs then I'm use to. I got on the scale this morning and no suripse, no weight loss. But I do have a friend of the month coming and I'm always guaranteed a 3-5 water weight gain. I'm back on my diet today, banana and egg whites for breakfast and on my way to the gym.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
What's hiding in your house?
Today I started training for a RPN position and I got to talk to the Health and Safety Manager. I definitely left there scared.
He started to talk about Asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral made up of tiny fibers. In the past, asbestos was added to a variety of products to strengthen them and to provide heat insulation and fire resistance. Many homes were made using asbestos for insulation, flooring and in heating and electrical systems. He told me that asbestos was used the most in 1950-1970 and if your house is 10 years or older is most likely has asbestos. But the good thing is it's not dangerous until you start touching it, for example, renovations. Also when working with it make sure you spray with water so it doesn't make dust fibers and always wear a air-chamber mask. For example when you are sanding down the roof that has dots all over. When its becomes dust that is when you are putting your health at risk. Make sure you talk to your contractor about this and ask what precautions he is using. Make sure you are using a good contractor!
How to clean car lights?
Clean your headlights! Going on a big road trip. Here is a great tip on how to clean your car light so they will be as clean as new. Its is better then the $15 product that Eric bought to clean his car lights. Get some toothpaste and put it on a dry cloth. Clean lights and rinse with water and wipe down with a wet cloth.
How to clean water build up in shower
Clean water marks and build up off glass. Use a dryer sheet and few drops of water.
How to clean dirty baking sheet.

The "miracle" of baking soda and peroxide. Put 1/4 cup of baking soda in a bowl, add enough peroxide to make a paste. Rub on with sponge. Cleans EVERYTHING! Stove, oven, pans.
Monday, 12 March 2012
Sunday, 11 March 2012
Cheat day
So usually I don't workout on my cheat day but since I can't go to the gym tomorrow I completed an intense workout today. I woke up early today, had a small breakfast, and went to the gym. It is so nice today I wish I did my workout outside. I did 35 minutes of cardio and did 30 minutes of weight training, mostly upper body. I still took my protein powder after my workout then I went for my first cheat day meal, a small hamburger, small fries, and a milk shake. It taste good while I was eating it but 3 hours later my stomach is still upset. I read somewhere to eat lentils or beans for breakfast on your cheat day and it will help with your upset stomach while eating bad food all day. But remember to soak the beans first in water over night.
For my second cheat day meal I plan on going to Jack Astor's to celebrate my new job :) I'm sharing plate of calamari and a plate of pizza, mmmmm cant wait, I love Jack Astor's.
Also on your cheat day drink a shot of fresh grapefruit juice before your cheat meal, it helps keep your blood sugar stable. Enjoy the great weather.
For my second cheat day meal I plan on going to Jack Astor's to celebrate my new job :) I'm sharing plate of calamari and a plate of pizza, mmmmm cant wait, I love Jack Astor's.
Also on your cheat day drink a shot of fresh grapefruit juice before your cheat meal, it helps keep your blood sugar stable. Enjoy the great weather.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Best foods for amazing looking skin
Carrots and Sweet Potatoes - They also help with creating a natural colour to your skin without going in the sun.
Tuna or 12 Brazil Nuts - Help keep skin toned and prevents sagging.
Spinach - Help prevent sun damage.
Green Tea - Is that really surprising.
Flax Seed
Dark chocolate - One ounce a day
How to eat fruit for weight loss
Unfortunately, while fruit is amazing for our bodies...the sugar spikes our blood sugar. A great solution to this problem is eat fruit with a good protein, balancing out your blood sugar levels. If your goal is fat loss, don't eat fruit alone. Choose pairs such as: plain greek yogurt with banana, strawberries and almonds, blackberries and turkey slices.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Thursday, 8 March 2012
2 cupcakes recipe for Cheat Day
RECIPE: Two (Exactly Two!) Chocolate Cupcakes
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon baking soda (just eyeball half of a quarter-teaspoon and it will be fine)
1/16 teaspoon salt (otherwise known as a pinch)
2 tablespoons cold water
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/16 teaspoon vanilla (ie, just a few drops)
1 tablespoon chocolate chips (optional)
Chocolate Frosting (mini recipe follows)
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Whisk all the dry ingredients together in a small bowl. In a second small bowl or spouted measuring cup, combine the wet ingredients. Add the dry to the wet and stir till combined, whisking well. Divide batter between two cupcake liners and sprinkle with chocolate chips. Bake for 18 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. Allow to cool before frosting.
Chocolate Frosting For Two Cupcakes
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons cocoa powder
3 tablespoons confectioners sugar
1 teaspoon half and half or any milk/cream
dash of salt
Melt the butter in a small bowl. Add all the remaining ingredients to the butter and whisk to combine. Refrigerate for 10-15 minutes or until frosting is partially set. Whisk again then allow to rest at room temperature until cupcakes are cool enough to frost. (Start making the frosting as soon as the cupcakes go in the oven, so that it will be set and ready to go once the cupcakes are cool.)
Tonights Dinner
First fry up Olive Oil, Onion, and Garlic. When you start to see the Garlic to brown take off the stove and put ingredients into your bowl and add your cooked pasta of choice (I use whole wheat). Add pepper, salt, Chili pepper flakes (opional), and cheese. Add more olive oil if needed. Stir and Enjoy!
Weight Loss Journey
I have decided to start documenting my weight loss journey. My short-term goal is to lose 20 pounds and my long-term goal is to lose 50 pounds. I hope to lose all the pounds in 1 year. My plan to achieve my goal is by going to the gym 6 days a week for at least a hour. Cardio all 6 days and weight training 3 to 4 days a week. My diet will include no pop, increase water, no processed foods, limit sugar, and only complex carbs. I plan to have 1 cheat day a week; no gym and any lunch or dinner I am craving. My breakfast on my cheat day will be a healthy breakfast with at least 30 grams of protein. My cheat day will be on Sunday and I will be weighing in every Saturday morning. Let the weight loss begin.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Help Prevent Disease!

Have you ever gone almost a full day and not washed your hands. After reading about only some of the germs that live on your hands you will be washing your hands every hour lol.
MRSA - Multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: It is an organism that is resistant to antibiotics that are used to kill bacteria. You may not be infected with MRSA but you may be a carrier. The best defence against MRSA is hand washing, also don't touch your hands to your nose.
VRE - Vancomycon-resistant Entercoccus: Enterococcus is a bacteria that is in the bowels and genital tract of healthy individuals; it doesn't cause disease in healthy people. VRE is the same bacteria, but is a strain that has developed resistance to antibiotics including Vancomycin. It's a concern because Vancomycin is presently the last antibiotic available to treat some serious infections. You can stop the spread by washing your hands.
Pneumococcal Disease include ear infections, lung infection (pneumonia), meningitis, and infections of the blood. The bacteria is spread through air or direct oral contact ex. kissing, sharing drinks, cigarettes or through articles freshly soiled with respiratory discharge ex. children sharing toys. There is two types of vaccines available in Canada to prevent pneumoccal disease. Prevnar is one of them.
Prevention: How to prevent bringing home these germs. You can help by washing hands:
- On arrival at work
- Before and after meal breaks
- Before and after bathroom breaks - Always remember Before
- After handling soiled articles or equipment
- Before going home
Save a Life
People are so afraid to start or even preform CPR on a person. It's better to have tried and failed then to do nothing at all. Even if you know nothing at all someone around will know what to do but is to afraid to step up.
The Basics of CPR
First, ABC Airway, Breathing, Circulation
If someone is talking to you they have an airway and their is nothing blocking their breathing.
If someone is not breathing you are going to check their pulse. No pulse means no blood to their heart. Which means you have to help them by preforming CPR to get blood to their heart.
Put the your keel of your hand in middle of chest. Just remember 30:2. 30 compressions on their chest to 2 breaths. Push hard and Fast. If you are to scared to put your mouth on someone, don't do it. It's better to do just compressions on the chest then to do nothing. Also just think, how many people have you kissed or shared drinks with.
The Basics of CPR
First, ABC Airway, Breathing, Circulation
If someone is talking to you they have an airway and their is nothing blocking their breathing.
If someone is not breathing you are going to check their pulse. No pulse means no blood to their heart. Which means you have to help them by preforming CPR to get blood to their heart.
Put the your keel of your hand in middle of chest. Just remember 30:2. 30 compressions on their chest to 2 breaths. Push hard and Fast. If you are to scared to put your mouth on someone, don't do it. It's better to do just compressions on the chest then to do nothing. Also just think, how many people have you kissed or shared drinks with.
Monday, 5 March 2012
So today's quote of the day is for my mom. Today she had a problem with a student who took advantage of her and had an affair with a co-worker. My mom didn't want to believe that she was doing all these things so she let it slide. She called me to ask for my option. As an outside of the situation my mom was taking the situation to personal. She was looking at the student like it was me. She didn't want to fail her for everything she has done. She didn't want to feel responsible for ruining her life.
You are responsible for your own actions.
Chocolate Chip Muffins
1/2 cup (113 grams) unsalted butter, melted and
2 large eggs
1 cup (240 ml) milk or cream
1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
2 cups (260 grams) all-purpose flour
2/3 cups (135 grams) granulated white sugar
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (170 grams) milk chocolate or semisweet chocolate
1 tablespoon (15 grams) granulated white sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F
(190 degrees C). Position rack in center of oven. Butter, or line with paper
liners, 12 - 2 3/4 x 1 1/2 inch muffin cups.
Recipe and Picture from http://www.joyofbaking.com/muffins/ChocolateChipMuffins.html#ixzz1oJJXARfE
In a large
measuring cup or bowl whisk together the eggs, milk, and vanilla extract.
In another large
bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Stir in the
chocolate chips. With a rubber spatula fold the wet ingredients, along with the
melted butter, into the dry ingredients and stir only until the ingredients are
combined. Do not over mix the batter or tough muffins will result.
Evenly fill the
muffin cups with the batter, using two spoons or an ice cream scoop. In a small
bowl combine the topping ingredients and then sprinkle a little topping on each
muffin. Place in the oven and bake until a toothpick inserted in the center of a
muffin comes out clean, about 18 - 20 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack
and let cool for about 5 minutes before
removing from pan.
Makes 12 regular sized
Recipe and Picture from http://www.joyofbaking.com/muffins/ChocolateChipMuffins.html#ixzz1oJJXARfE
Chicken Alfredo and Rice Casserole
10oz light Alfredo pasta sauce
1/2 cup milk
2 1/2cups cooked white rice or wild rice
2 cups cubed cooked chicken
1 cup frozen peas
1/3 cup chopped bottled roasted red sweet peppers
1/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted (optional)
1 tablespoon snipped fresh basil or 1/2 tsp. dried basil, crushed
1 cupsoft bread crumbs
1 tablespoon butter, melted
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In large bowl combine pasta sauce and milk. Stir in rice, chicken, peas, sweet peppers, nuts, and basil. Transfer to 1-1/2-quart baking dish.
2. Bake, covered, 30 minutes. Uncover and stir. Combine bread crumbs and melted butter; sprinkle atop. Bake, uncovered, 20 to 25 minutes more or until heated through and crumbs are golden brown. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Serves 4.
Nutrition Facts (Chicken Alfredo and Rice Casserole)
- Servings Per Recipe 4,
- Calories 456,
- Protein (gm) 32,
- Carbohydrate (gm) 45,
- Fat, total (gm) 16,
- Cholesterol (mg) 97,
- Saturated fat (gm) 8,
- Monosaturated fat (gm) 3,
- Polyunsaturated fat (gm) 2,
- Dietary Fiber, total (gm) 3,
- Sugar, total (gm) 7,
- Vitamin A (IU) 1069,
- Vitamin C (mg) 40,
- Sodium (mg) 672,
Recipe and picture from http://www.bhg.com/recipe/chicken/chicken-alfredo-and-rice-casserole/
Jumbo Meatballs
what you need
1 pkg. (120 g) Stove Top Stuffing Mix for Chicken
1/2 cup hot water
1 egg
1/4 cupKraft Rancher's Choice Dressing
1 lb. (500 g) lean ground beef
1 cupKraft Double Cheddar Shredded Cheese
1/3 cupketchup
make it
PREHEAT oven to 375ºF. Combine stuffing mix, water, egg and dressing until moistened. Add meat and cheese; mix well. Shape into eight 2-inch meatballs.
PLACE on greased baking sheet; spread with ketchup.
BAKE 30 min. or until cooked through (160ºF).
Recipe and Picture from www.Kraft.ca
Strawberry cheesecake Bowl
What You Need
3 cups sliced fresh strawberries
3 Tbsp.sugar
2 pkg. (250 g each) Philadelphia Light Brick Cream Cheese Spread, softened
1-1/2 cups cold milk
1 pkg. (4-serving size) Jell-O Vanilla Fat Free Instant Pudding
2 cups thawed Cool Whip Light Whipped Topping, divided
2 cupsfrozen pound cake cubes (1 inch)
1 squareBaker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate
Make It
kraft kitchens tips
Dip 5 additional strawberries in chocolate; let excess drip off. Refrigerate 30 min. Use to garnish dessert.
Prepare using Baker's Premium 70% Cacao Dark Chocolate.
Recipe from http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/recipes/layered-strawberry-cheesecake-bowl-113009.aspx
Recipe from http://www.kraftcanada.com/en/recipes/layered-strawberry-cheesecake-bowl-113009.aspx
22 Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda
Photo: Paul Reynolds
We all know that drinking soda isn't good for us. We know that it would be better for our health if instead we drank [insert pretty much any other beverage choice here — even beer!]. But there's just something about soda that keeps drawing us back. Whether you call it "soda," "pop," "soda pop," "Coke," or something else entirely, it's a good idea to stop drinking it once and for all. Here's why.
1. The out of pocket cost of drinking pop adds up.
The average American drinks 216 liters (that's 7304 ounces, or about 365 20-ounce bottles) a year. If you purchased your soda only at a vending machine, that's about $550/ year. If, instead, you put this into a retirement account for 30 years at a 7% interest rate compounded annually, you'd have about $60,000. Even if you buy your soda at the grocery store for 40 cents a can, that's still $243 per year and over $26,000 over 30 years.
2. You'll make poorer financial decisions by drinking diet soda.
A research study looking at decision making after drinking soda found that "The sugar-free soda drinkers were more likely to choose the immediate reward, even though it was less money and not the best overall decision. "
3. The long term health consequences lead to high medical expenses.
I've listed numerous health reasons to not drink soda pop below — if you have even one of these health problems because of (or it's exacerbated by) drinking soda, your long-term medical costs will skyrocket. (See also: 5 Places to Check Out Medical Care for the Uninsured)
4. Soda increases your blood pressure.
A March 2011 study links soda consumption to higher blood pressure.
5. Soda destroys your teeth.
In case your dentist hadn't told you, between the sugar and the acidity, pop is terrible for your teeth.
6. It contains an ingredient banned in over 100 countries.
About 10% of soda flavors contain BVO, or brominated vegetable oil, which is banned by the World Health organization and 100 countries.
7. It makes you fat.
Calories from drinks including soda make up over 20% of the total daily calories consumed by Americans, according to a 2004 article in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (as cited by WebMD).
8. It may lead to diabetes.
Non-diet soft drinks contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes. Even if you drink diet, you may not be in the clear (see the study published by the American Heart Association discussed below).
9. It may lead to heart disease.
According to a study published by the American Heart Association, "Drinking as little as one can of soda a day — regular or diet — is associated with a 48% increased risk of metabolic syndrome, a key predecessor of heart disease and diabetes."
10. Soda consumption is linked to osteoporosis.
While researchers aren't sure of the precise reason, people who drink pop are more likely to have osteoporosis.
11. Drinking cola can increase your risk of kidney stones.
A study published in Epidemiology found that "Drinking 2 or more colas per day was associated with increased risk of chronic kidney disease."
12. Soda can cause heartburn.
It shouldn't surprise you that highly acidic sodas can lead to heartburn.
13. It's linked with liver problems.
A study found that people with liver problems are also more likely to drink soda.
14. Your soda likely either contains aspartame or high fructose corn syrup.
If you drink diet soda, your pop has some sort of artificial sweetener. If you drink full-calorie soda, chances are it has high fructose corn syrup. There are long debates about these ingredients and studies are not entirely conclusive, but both ingredients are artificial and are likely not good for you.
15. It can take up to 132 gallons of water to produce a 2-liter bottle of soda.
The 132 gallon/2-liter bottle figure includes the water it takes to grow ingredients, and according to a Wall Street Journal article, Coke says that it takes about 1 gallon to make a 2-liter bottle. Chances are the number is somewhere in between. Either way, that's a lot of water.
16. That water has to come from somewhere.
Since a Coca-Cola plant was opened in northern India, the water levels have fallen 18 feet in the surrounding area, and the plant was blamed for it.
17. And the ingredients in the soda have to go somewhere.
According to a German report, the artificial ingredients in soda don't get fully removed by sewage treatment facilities, and those ingredients may end up downstream and even in our drinking water.
18. Be it glass, aluminum, or plastic, all bottles have their environmental costs.
Glass bottles, even if reused, take a lot more fuel to transport. Aluminum cans are only partially recycled, and the mining of aluminum has horrific environmental consequences. And just like bottled water, plastic bottled soda requires an enormous amount of oil to produce.
19. Transportation of soda pop requires a lot of fuel.
Exact figures about how much fuel it takes to transport soda are not evident — but that soda has to get from the factory to the store to your house somehow. And that requires a lot of fuel.
And if the financial, environmental, and health reasons weren't enough to convince you to give up soda, these social reasons may be strong enough for you to make a new resolution.
20. In some countries, soda contains pesticides.
You might consider this a health or environmental reason, but it seems to me that it's socially completely unjust to produce a healthier product for some countries than others. The Center for Science and the Environment found "high levels of toxic pesticides and insecticides, high enough to cause cancer, damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, birth defects and severe disruption of the immune system" in soda manufactured by Coke and Pepsi in India.
21. The rest of the world doesn't drink much soda.
Take a look at this soft drink consumption chart. Ireland is the next lowest soda-consuming country, and they consume roughly half the amount that Americans do.
22. It's just not that cool.
While I have no hard data to back it up, it seems that drinking pop has lost the "cool" factor it tries so hard to market. I asked several friends why they drink soda, and their responses included "for the caffeine," "I like the taste," and "it's the cheapest drink on the menu at restaurants." None of them thought that drinking soda was particularly cool and instead pointed to numerous other drinks that have a much cooler image: tea, coffee, probiotic drinks, and kombucha.
Tap water is most cost-conscious and healthiest choice that has the least environmental and social impact. Make it easier to drink by drinking from an eco-friendly water bottle. (I prefer stainless steel water bottles or glass water bottles.) I also like to add a few slices of orange, lemon, or fresh mint leaves to my tap water for a tasty alternative.
If tap water isn't your thing here are some better options depending on the time of day:
Link from:http://www.wisebread.com/22-reasons-to-stop-drinking-soda
Financial Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda
If saving money motivates you to kick a bad habit, here are the top three financial reasons to quit drinking soda.1. The out of pocket cost of drinking pop adds up.
The average American drinks 216 liters (that's 7304 ounces, or about 365 20-ounce bottles) a year. If you purchased your soda only at a vending machine, that's about $550/ year. If, instead, you put this into a retirement account for 30 years at a 7% interest rate compounded annually, you'd have about $60,000. Even if you buy your soda at the grocery store for 40 cents a can, that's still $243 per year and over $26,000 over 30 years.
2. You'll make poorer financial decisions by drinking diet soda.
A research study looking at decision making after drinking soda found that "The sugar-free soda drinkers were more likely to choose the immediate reward, even though it was less money and not the best overall decision. "
3. The long term health consequences lead to high medical expenses.
I've listed numerous health reasons to not drink soda pop below — if you have even one of these health problems because of (or it's exacerbated by) drinking soda, your long-term medical costs will skyrocket. (See also: 5 Places to Check Out Medical Care for the Uninsured)
Health Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda
Here are just a few of the scientifically researched reasons to kick the habit.4. Soda increases your blood pressure.
A March 2011 study links soda consumption to higher blood pressure.
5. Soda destroys your teeth.
In case your dentist hadn't told you, between the sugar and the acidity, pop is terrible for your teeth.
6. It contains an ingredient banned in over 100 countries.
About 10% of soda flavors contain BVO, or brominated vegetable oil, which is banned by the World Health organization and 100 countries.
7. It makes you fat.
Calories from drinks including soda make up over 20% of the total daily calories consumed by Americans, according to a 2004 article in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (as cited by WebMD).
8. It may lead to diabetes.
Non-diet soft drinks contribute to the onset of type 2 diabetes. Even if you drink diet, you may not be in the clear (see the study published by the American Heart Association discussed below).
9. It may lead to heart disease.
According to a study published by the American Heart Association, "Drinking as little as one can of soda a day — regular or diet — is associated with a 48% increased risk of metabolic syndrome, a key predecessor of heart disease and diabetes."
10. Soda consumption is linked to osteoporosis.
While researchers aren't sure of the precise reason, people who drink pop are more likely to have osteoporosis.
11. Drinking cola can increase your risk of kidney stones.
A study published in Epidemiology found that "Drinking 2 or more colas per day was associated with increased risk of chronic kidney disease."
12. Soda can cause heartburn.
It shouldn't surprise you that highly acidic sodas can lead to heartburn.
13. It's linked with liver problems.
A study found that people with liver problems are also more likely to drink soda.
14. Your soda likely either contains aspartame or high fructose corn syrup.
If you drink diet soda, your pop has some sort of artificial sweetener. If you drink full-calorie soda, chances are it has high fructose corn syrup. There are long debates about these ingredients and studies are not entirely conclusive, but both ingredients are artificial and are likely not good for you.
Environmental Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda
Recycling your pop can or bottle isn't enough to prevent harm to the environment, as soda destroys the planet in numerous other ways.15. It can take up to 132 gallons of water to produce a 2-liter bottle of soda.
The 132 gallon/2-liter bottle figure includes the water it takes to grow ingredients, and according to a Wall Street Journal article, Coke says that it takes about 1 gallon to make a 2-liter bottle. Chances are the number is somewhere in between. Either way, that's a lot of water.
16. That water has to come from somewhere.
Since a Coca-Cola plant was opened in northern India, the water levels have fallen 18 feet in the surrounding area, and the plant was blamed for it.
17. And the ingredients in the soda have to go somewhere.
According to a German report, the artificial ingredients in soda don't get fully removed by sewage treatment facilities, and those ingredients may end up downstream and even in our drinking water.
18. Be it glass, aluminum, or plastic, all bottles have their environmental costs.
Glass bottles, even if reused, take a lot more fuel to transport. Aluminum cans are only partially recycled, and the mining of aluminum has horrific environmental consequences. And just like bottled water, plastic bottled soda requires an enormous amount of oil to produce.
19. Transportation of soda pop requires a lot of fuel.
Exact figures about how much fuel it takes to transport soda are not evident — but that soda has to get from the factory to the store to your house somehow. And that requires a lot of fuel.
Social Reasons to Stop Drinking Soda
20. In some countries, soda contains pesticides.
You might consider this a health or environmental reason, but it seems to me that it's socially completely unjust to produce a healthier product for some countries than others. The Center for Science and the Environment found "high levels of toxic pesticides and insecticides, high enough to cause cancer, damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, birth defects and severe disruption of the immune system" in soda manufactured by Coke and Pepsi in India.
21. The rest of the world doesn't drink much soda.
Take a look at this soft drink consumption chart. Ireland is the next lowest soda-consuming country, and they consume roughly half the amount that Americans do.
22. It's just not that cool.
While I have no hard data to back it up, it seems that drinking pop has lost the "cool" factor it tries so hard to market. I asked several friends why they drink soda, and their responses included "for the caffeine," "I like the taste," and "it's the cheapest drink on the menu at restaurants." None of them thought that drinking soda was particularly cool and instead pointed to numerous other drinks that have a much cooler image: tea, coffee, probiotic drinks, and kombucha.
Soda Alternatives
So if you stop drinking soda, what should you drink instead?Tap water is most cost-conscious and healthiest choice that has the least environmental and social impact. Make it easier to drink by drinking from an eco-friendly water bottle. (I prefer stainless steel water bottles or glass water bottles.) I also like to add a few slices of orange, lemon, or fresh mint leaves to my tap water for a tasty alternative.
If tap water isn't your thing here are some better options depending on the time of day:
- If you're looking for a morning caffeinated substitute, try coffee or tea.
- At lunch time, try homemade lemonade or iced tea.
- In the afternoon, decaf tea or freshly squeezed or locally sourced fruit juices are delicious.
- In the evening, why not opt for a cheap beer or a glass of wine? (But remember to drink responsibly.)
Link from:http://www.wisebread.com/22-reasons-to-stop-drinking-soda
25 Things to Throw Out Today
There's a great quote from Fight Club, one of my favourite movies. It comes from Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt's character, and it's prophetic — "The things you own end up owning you." After watching several seasons of Hoarders, that's got to be one of the most truthful statements ever to come out of a movie.
Now, we all have a little hoarder inside each of us. We see some things that we just can't bear to get rid of, probably because there's an emotional attachment to them. Sometimes things are valuable, and we keep them for that reason. On rare occasions, we don't even know why we're hanging onto something, but we are.
Well, there's a great feeling of liberation that can come from shedding these items. If you'd like to feel it yourself, here's a list of 25 things that you should throw out today. And by that, I mean donate, dump, trash, incinerate, whatever you like…just remove them from your life. (See also: 25 Easy Organising Changes You Can Make Today)

Last year we donated all of our old cell phones to a charity called Cell Phones For Soldiers. It gives our troops the ability to call home, and whether you agree with war or not, the soldiers always need support. That's just one way that something old and seemingly useless can be given a new lease of life. Old cameras, handheld video games, VHS players — they can all be used by someone. Better that than being stuck in your basement for the next 10 years.

Did I miss something? Did I get something completely wrong, in your opinion? Chime in, and let us know what you think should be thrown away today, and what you should actually keep forever.
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/25-things-to-throw-out-today
Now, we all have a little hoarder inside each of us. We see some things that we just can't bear to get rid of, probably because there's an emotional attachment to them. Sometimes things are valuable, and we keep them for that reason. On rare occasions, we don't even know why we're hanging onto something, but we are.
Well, there's a great feeling of liberation that can come from shedding these items. If you'd like to feel it yourself, here's a list of 25 things that you should throw out today. And by that, I mean donate, dump, trash, incinerate, whatever you like…just remove them from your life. (See also: 25 Easy Organising Changes You Can Make Today)
1. Clothing and Shoes You Haven't Worn in the Last 18 Months
"Well hang on, I'm saving those for a special occasion!" Really? I'm guilty of this too, waiting for the perfect time to wear that shirt I wore once back in 2002. It's so cool, how can I get rid of it? But at the same time, there just never seems to be the need for it, and it never gets worn. Give it away or sell it; someone else may actually wear it more than once every 10 years.2. Old Paint
We all have those cans of paint in the garage or basement. They're great for touching up walls when they get chipped or scratched up. But when you repaint a wall and no longer need the colour beneath it, or you haven't painted in several years, you should consider responsibly ridding yourself of the old paint. Try patching a wall you painted years ago with the paint in the can, and you'll see that it's not a perfect match. The paint on the wall has dulled. And if you repaint a wall, the chances of ever using that old paint colour again are very slim. Keep newer paints for touch-up, but the rest can go. Visit Earth911.com to find a place that will safely dispose of the old paint for you.3. Contents of the Junk Drawer
Everyone has a junk drawer full of random, well, crap. The occasional battery, old hair ties, bits of string, matchboxes — you name it, it's in there. And it just gathers drawer dust. So try this little experiment for a month. Grab a box and empty the contents of the junk drawer into it. Then, if you use something from that box, put it back in the junk drawer. At the end of one month, the drawer will be filled with items you use. The box? That's all stuff you can donate or throw out.4. Dated Receipts, Paychecks, and Bills
Do you really need a filing cabinet full of old bills, paychecks, and receipts? If they are no longer needed, dump them. If you have receipts for tax purposes or warranties, they need to be stored somewhere (although many people these days are scanning them and saving on a hard drive). You should save paychecks from the past two years; throw the rest away (scan them first if you must). And bills, who needs them? If you can, sign up for electronic bills and paychecks to save the environment.5. Unread Books
How many books do you have on your shelves that will never be read or never read again? Chances are, you've got plenty. Go through them today and donate them, so that someone else will get enjoyment from them.6. Expired Medicines and Vitamins
Not only is this a space-saver, it could also be a life-saver. When drugs go past their expiration dates, they become less potent. So if you're taking them for a certain illness, you may not be getting the correct dosage. Some people double up on the dosage to make up for that, which is dangerous. Drugs can also change in their chemical compositions over time, which means they could become dangerous and have serious side effects. Be safe. Throw them out.7. Cups and Mugs
You open the kitchen cabinet and reach for a cup or mug to pour yourself a coffee. That's when you're greeted with a vast array of unmatching, chipped, and faded cups and mugs that you've collected over the years. How many do you need anyway? Throw the ones you really don't need.8. Plastic Containers
Whether you call them Tupperware, Gladware, Snapware, or anything else, you no doubt have a fabulously mixed-up collection of plastic containers. They have missing lids, too many lids, stains, holes, and about nine of them are actually worth keeping. Go through your collection and be brutal. Most can be dumped today.9. Linens
There are linens that are used regularly. There are linens used for guests or other special occasions. And then there are the rest. Old, dated, worn, mismatched linens that no longer have a use other than "what if?" Well, chances are that day will never come. You won't have 15 house guests who drop in unannounced. Those linens have been stored away for years. Donate them.10. Power Cords
I have a drawer full of old power cords, data cords, and other various pieces of connective cables. Most of them are duplicates (I get a new USB cord every time I buy a new gadget). Some are for old devices that have long since departed the home. So go through them all, keep the ones for current gadgets in your house, and get rid of the rest.11. Magazines
There's a better place for those old magazines than gathering dust in your garage, basement, or attic. Don't throw them out; give them to local businesses that have waiting rooms, including doctor's offices and dentists. Next time you have to wait around, you'll have something more current to read than a 1992 National Geographic.12. Spices
Did you know that spices go off? Actually, most great chefs will do whatever they can to buy only the freshest spices and use them very quickly, or buy them in a state that can be ground or grated (like black peppercorns or nutmeg). If you have a big collection of spices, check the expiration dates. If they have none, use these guidelines and your best guess:- Seasoning blends: 1-2 years
- Herbs: 1-3 years
- Ground spices: 2-3 years
- Whole spices (such as cinnamon sticks and peppercorns): 3-4 years
- Extracts: 4 years (except for pure vanilla, which lasts indefinitely)
13. Old Greeting Cards
It may sound heartless, but generally speaking, greeting cards are supposed to be a fleeting message from a loved one. They are not keepsakes to be stored or framed. You aren't throwing away someone's love by throwing away a Hallmark card that they picked out. Unless the card had something particularly sentimental and meaningful written inside, throw it away. "Happy Birthday, Love Mom" does not count.14. DVDs, VHS and Audio Tapes, CDs and Video Games
VHS and audio tapes are a no-brainer. Have you tried listening to, or watching, either of those after watching Blu-Ray? It's like being transported back in time to the land of sucky reception. But even some DVDs, CDs, and video games should be considered. If you haven't listened to a CD in years, is it worth keeping? How about that movie you bought because it was on sale and cheaper to buy than rent? Or that video game you crushed and have no time for anymore? Dump them all.15. Makeup
First, an admission. I don't wear makeup. But my wife does, and I know she has some rules regarding the lifespan of various products and brushes. Here are guidelines from Bella Sugar, and fellas, if you use makeup, you should follow them too...I'm talking to you specifically, Gene Simmons.- Mascara: Every three months
- Foundation: One year
- Concealer: 12-18 months
- Powder: 18 months
- Blush/Bronzer: 18 months
- Cream blush: 12-18 months
- Eye shadow: 18 months
- Eyeliner: 18 months
- Liquid eyeliner: 6 months
- Lipstick/lip gloss: 18 months
- Lip liner: One year
- Nail polish: One year
- Makeup sponges: Wash after each use, then throw away after a month.
16. Old Underwear, Socks, and Bras
Alas, sometimes we stretch out the time between washes a little longer than we should, and why? Because we see five pairs of undies or socks left in the drawer and know we're OK. But we forget they're the saddest items of clothing in the known universe, filled with holes, often glowing with a colour that can only be described as "muddy Gray." Get rid of them. As for bras, I bow to the ladies in my life on this one. They tell me that bras do need to be replaced. Dianes Lingerie has some guidelines for when to buy a new bra.
17. Dated Technology, Including Old Cell Phones
18. Coat Hangers
We moved house recently. I lost count of how many coat hangers we had. I think there may have been 200. And out of those, maybe 30 were nice wooden ones. The rest were cheap plastic or were brought home still attached to the shirt or blouse we bought. Many were broken. And we used maybe half of them; the rest just took up space in the closet. Take a look at your closets — do you have hangers that are a complete waste of space?19. Toys
Kids are spoiled for choice these days, and that means a glut of toys can be found all over the house. So get your kids to gather up all the toys, then sift through them together. Decide which ones they really want to keep, which ones can be donated, and which are no use to anyone. A jigsaw puzzle with 10 missing pieces is not fun. Actually, one missing piece is torture in some countries. Dump the headless Barbies and broken cars.20. Those "Fix It Up" Projects
You know the ones I'm talking about. You bought a scrap piece of furniture or machinery at a garage sale three years ago, fully intending to sand it, prime it, paint it, and make it look like new again. Of course, the day after you bought it you stored it away in the basement or garage and it's been there ever since. So, make a pact. Start to fix it up today, or get rid of it.21. Cribs, Car Seats, and Other Baby/Toddler Products
It's difficult to keep track of all the new regulations that come into play regarding baby products. For instance, drop-side cribs have now been banned due to safety concerns. The cribs we had for our two children were drop-side cribs, and had we kept them, we'd actually be saving something that was unsafe. The same goes for car seats, strollers, and many other baby items. So, check the ones you have around the home. They may need to be thrown out.22. Perfumes and Colognes
We all have them, lurking in the back of the medicine cabinet or closet. They're the scents we were given as gifts, maybe by an ex, a clueless parent, or even something we bought for ourselves in a moment of uncommon sense. Now they sit in the dark, 99% full, waiting for the day you throw them away. Release them.23. Jewelry
Pendants with broken chains. Old rings. Old bracelets. Dated brooches. Dated anything, actually. Men and women alike have jewelry that is no longer needed. It's time to liberate it, and you could even get a nice chunk of cash for it.24. Rugs
We currently have two rugs in our basement that may never see the light of day again. As we just moved house, though, I'm giving it a few weeks to see if they have a natural place in our new home. If they don't, they're out. How about you? Did you once have a rug that was pride of place in your living room, but since redecorating, it's been stuck in a dark corner? Maybe someone else can give it a new home.25. Food
We're a wasteful society. I recently read a statistic that says Americans throw away 25% of the food we produce, and I'm not surprised. We're so obsessed with keeping a full fridge, pantry, and freezer that we can't possibly eat everything we buy. And that means right now, you have food that's gone off and is rotting in the back of your fridge, freezer, or pantry. Do a complete check of each one, bin the food that's off, and if you find anything good that you're unlikely to eat for whatever reason, donate it.Did I miss something? Did I get something completely wrong, in your opinion? Chime in, and let us know what you think should be thrown away today, and what you should actually keep forever.
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/25-things-to-throw-out-today
10 Lifesaving Skills Everyone Should Know
10 Lifesaving Skills Everyone Should Know
There are many dangers that lurk in the world around us; fortunately, basic knowledge, common sense, and not panicking can ensure you come out on top of most emergency situations. Check out the skills below to know how to wisely react if and when you’re ever put to the test. (See also: 6 Items You Might Have Forgotten in Your Emergency Kit)
Keep in mind that Red Cross CPR/First Aid/AED training can help you gain knowledge and the confidence to use these skills; the certification also looks great on a resume. Stay safe, and remember to keep your wits about you.
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/10-lifesaving-skills-everyone-should-know
There are many dangers that lurk in the world around us; fortunately, basic knowledge, common sense, and not panicking can ensure you come out on top of most emergency situations. Check out the skills below to know how to wisely react if and when you’re ever put to the test. (See also: 6 Items You Might Have Forgotten in Your Emergency Kit)
1. CPR
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) methods have changed a bit over the years, but the three basic CPR actions are to check for unresponsiveness and call 911, begin chest compressions if the victim is not breathing normally, and tilt the victim's head back and give two one-second breaths through the victim’s mouth. The pattern is 30 chest compressions, then two breaths, and continue the pattern until the victim begins to breathe or help arrives.2. The Heimlich Maneuver
If an adult is choking and cannot breathe, the Heimlich maneuver can dislodge the foreign body responsible for the victim choking. The Heimlich Institute recommends this technique: from behind, wrap your arms around the back of the victim and form a fist below the victim’s ribcage but above his belly button. Grasp your fist with the other hand and press into the victim’s upper abdomen with a quick upper thrust and continue until the foreign object is expelled. Seek training for infant and child Heimlich techniques, as they are less intuitive than the adult method and can do more harm than good if not done correctly.3. Preventing Hypothermia
Hypothermia is when a body’s core temperature drops to the point where normal muscular and cerebral functions are impaired. People might be suffering from hypothermia if they start to shiver uncontrollably, lose coordination, become drowsy, or notice a slower breathing or heart rate. Treat hypothermia by bringing victims inside out of cold weather, removing any wet clothing, and wrapping them in blankets or a sleeping bag. Give them warm fluids without caffeine or alcohol to help stabilize their temperature.4. Using an AED
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are popping up in schools, malls, and even businesses these days. Proper use of an AED can provide life-saving intervention if someone is experiencing cardiac arrhythmias that lead to cardiac arrest. Proper training is required to use an AED, so contact your local Red Cross to get certified.5. Controlling Bleeding
Just like ice won’t form on form on a flowing river, blood will not coagulate when flowing freely. Apply pressure to the wound, preferably with sterile gauze, but a towel or T-shirt will work in a pinch. If you can, elevate the wound above the heart.6. Providing Aspirin for Heart Attacks and Strokes
In addition to regular pain relief, aspirin is recommended by the FDA to help treat mini-strokes and heart attacks. Aspirin’s properties as an anti-inflammatory and a blood thinner help more blood get through the large clots that lead to heart attacks. After calling 911, instruct someone you suspect of having a heart attack or stroke to chew and swallow a standard 325 mg dose of aspirin. Two warnings: check to make sure aspirin won’t interact negatively with other medications, and if you're providing aspirin to a stranger, you may want to check your state's Good Samaritan laws to make sure you can't be held accountable for trying to help save a life.
7. Escape from a Sinking Car
10% of all drowning deaths can be attributed to not being able to escape a submerged car. You only have a second or two to try and open the door before most of the door is below the water level. If that doesn’t work, try to open the window; even if you can’t exit through the window, once enough water has entered the car to equalize the pressure, you will be able to open the door and swim to the water’s surface. The most important skill in this situation is the ability to remain calm.8. Exit a Burning Building
Try to have an escape plan for any building you enter. Every hotel room, government building, and most office buildings have publicly posted emergency exit maps. If there is a fire, check to see if a door feels hot before opening, and never use an elevator during a fire emergency, as it may get stuck or take you to a floor engulfed by flames. You may have to crawl to avoid smoke inhalation, which is often more deadly than the fire itself.9. Help With a Severe Allergic Reaction
If someone appears to be having a severe allergic reaction, call 911 immediately, then try and talk to the person, asking them if they’ve ever had that reaction before and if they possibly have an EpiPen (a spring-loaded shot of epinephrine). If the victim has an EpiPen but cannot self-administer, you will need to give the shot; instructions should be printed on the outside. Be prepared to also provide CPR if necessary.10. Properly React to a Snakebite
If you’re bitten by a snake you think may be venomous, get away from the snake, remain calm, and immobilize the bitten arm or leg to slow the poison from spreading throughout your body. Then call 911, remove any jewelry before swelling starts, and try to position yourself so the bitten extremity is below the heart. Don’t try to use a tourniquet, apply ice, or cut the wound to suck out the poison; these methods don't work and can do more harm than help. Especially do not try to capture the snake, but instead try to remember its size and coloration.Keep in mind that Red Cross CPR/First Aid/AED training can help you gain knowledge and the confidence to use these skills; the certification also looks great on a resume. Stay safe, and remember to keep your wits about you.
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/10-lifesaving-skills-everyone-should-know
10 Unexpected Home Uses for Mayonnaise
Did you know that mayo has some great uses for around the house? Here are 10 uses I bet you weren't aware of.
Information from www.wisebread.com/10-unexpected-home- uses-for-mayonnaise
1. Kill Head Lice
A few years ago, I unfortunately got lice. I tried all the products that the local drug stores had to offer and found that nothing worked. Afraid of killing more brain cells than lice, I refrained from using any more toxic chemicals on my hair and resorted to mayonnaise. It is a safe way to kill lice, and it works! Massage mayonnaise into your hair and cover it with a shower cap before you go to sleep. Wash it out in the morning and use a fine comb to comb out any dead eggs. If needed, repeat 7-10 days later.2. Fix Cracks in Wood Furniture
Fill small cracks in your wood furniture with mayonnaise, then smooth over the top, removing any extra mayo. Leave the mayonnaise as is for a few days, and it will release oils and proteins that will make the wood swell up and shrink the crack, making it almost invisible!3. Remove Sticky Adhesives
Want to get sticky price tags or glue type residue off containers, mirrors, glass, or bumpers? Instead of buying expensive products, use a little bit of mayonnaise! Rub the sticky spot with mayonnaise, remove with a cloth, and you will have a clean, smooth surface.4. Condition Your Hair
After my lice fiasco, I discovered how soft my hair felt! Massage mayonnaise into your hair and cover with a shower cap. Leave it in for a bit and then wash it out. The mayonnaise moisturizes your hair and gives it a great shine!5. Relieve Sunburn Pain
If you’re like me, you sit in the sun for way too long and have to deal with the painful results. If you’ve run out of aloe, gently rub mayonnaise over the sunburns and feel instant moisturizing and cooling of the skin.6. Give Yourself a Facial
Wipe away all those dead skin cells and leave your face feeling smooth and clean. Spread mayonnaise onto your face, and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Wipe off and rinse with water, then enjoy the results.7. Clean Piano Keys
If your piano keys are looking a little less white recently from repeated use, mayonnaise can help you return them to looking their ivory best. Apply a tiny bit of mayonnaise on a damp cloth and rub each piano key, removing any yellow residue.8. Strengthen Your Fingernails
Are your nails constantly chipping or breaking? An easy and cheep way to strengthen them is to apply mayonnaise to each finger nail for five minutes and wash off with warm water. This will help reduce the number of hangnails you get too!9. Remove Crayon Marks
Are kids destroying your wooden floors with crayons? Put some mayonnaise on the crayon marks and let it soak for a few minutes. Wipe away the marks with a damp cloth.10. Make Your Plant Leaves Shine
Plants looking dull? Wish they would shine the way they did when you first purchased them? Get a clean and shiny look that will last for week or even months. Take a little bit of mayonnaise and rub each leave using a paper towel to get the sleek shine professional florists get with their plants.Information from www.wisebread.com/10-unexpected-home-
Save money on Wedding
Wedding Dress
Get what you love and make sure you swoon when wearing it! But, don’t break the bank. Ebay has quite a few custom wedding dress makers who can make exactly what you want or pretty close to it fir $200. It is best that you start this process early and test out some vendors by looking at previous work. Ebay also has overseas sellers who will sell you the dress at an insane discount because they sell their stock dresses to the same companies who mark it up 300-700% and sell it back to you.Wedding Invitations
People throw these out once the day is over so there’s no need to spend more than $150 in this area depending on how many guests you’re planning on having. Vista Print has an awesome deal for wedding invitations at $75 for $200 invitations. If you really want something fancy for your own memories then create that special invitation just for you and maybe your parents but otherwise, paying for something your guests will eventually toss in the trash is a waste of money.
Target also sells wedding invitations that can be printed out at home. Again, you may spend the same amount of money as Vista Print depending on how many guests you plan on having.
Bridesmaid Dresses
Whatever you do, please don’t make your bridesmaids spend $300+ on a dress. They will hate you for it especially if they can’t wear it again. Trust me, I’ve been there a few times! Give them information on how to rent a bridesmaid gown/dress as prices start as low as $65! Do them a favor and rent the dress!
This is one area that has come down in price over the years with the advent of the iPod and other music devices. Unless the DJ is coming with his own equipment, talk them down to a decent price. Today, I would pay no more than $600 for a DJ at my wedding. When got married, they were charging $1500 for 4 hours. I didn’t go with that option and I am glad we didn’t. Bottom line is I would get a schedule of music I want played and have an iPod savvy friend or family member work the iPod during the course of the day. At the most you may need to rent speakers and other equipment but that’s it.
All in One Catering Hall (location + food/catering in one place)
This is often the best bet when trying to secure a catering hall with a wedding location. You pay for everything in one price rather than going a la carte when you find a location that doesn’t offer catering. Wedding caterers are known to jack up the prices because they know how to pull at your heart strings given the enormity of the big day. They will charge you extra down to the type of fork you use, so be savvy about this and get everything done for one low(er) price.
I was fortunate enough to be able to use my uncle’s home as he has a rather large estate at 10,000 square feet and 8 bedrooms. Therefore we were able to save $4000 on the location and move some of that money towards the caterer. You can even check with large estates that have gone empty if they are on the market. Check with the Realtor to see if the owner would be open to renting out the home for your big day.
Something else that helped cut costs is that since my family is Vegan, we did not have the cost markup that can come with having meat on the menu. Before you gag, no one knew the menu was vegan! Based on some of the selections, let’s just say the meat eaters thought we had meat on the menu! And to this day, people talk about the menu on our wedding day, it was indeed delish!
I tend to think that this is an area where you should splurge because this crystallizes all the memories of your wedding day via video or pictures. This is not the time to skimp and go with a photography student or a novice in the field. I’ve heard horror stories of people not showing up or forgetting film etc This isn’t limited to newbie video/photographers but personally, it isn’t a risk I would take. Still paying more than $2000 in this area is a bit much. Make sure you understand what you’re getting and talk to other brides to get a sense of their experiences.
Destination Wedding
This is my favorite option and I even wish we did this instead of staying stateside. Looking back, the whole wedding would have cost us no more than $7000 if we went this route. Brides are often concerned about some family members not being able to afford this option but if money is tight, do it. You can always have a party when you get back to announce your nuptials formally.
Looking at the Ritz Carlton in Jamaica (where I totally want to have a vow renewal ceremony!) and based on the numbers it would cost no more than $5000. I’m a little older now so it doesn’t bother me that certain people wouldn’t be able to make it. If they think you are important enough then they will make it their business to be there. And, if they can’t, that’s OKAY too. Remember, everyone who is supposed to be at your wedding will be, don’t sweat the people who can’t or won’t come if you choose this option. This is your day, own it.
As always negotiate prices in each area where you can! Nothing is set in stone as all vendors are eager to get your business. Most of the time they are expecting you to negotiate and have a price in mind based on your request. As the day nears, compose yourself and be mindful of your spending, but don’t forget to stop and soak it all up! You have one chance to get it right so don’t let anything mess it up!
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/best-money-tips-tips-for-a-frugal-wedding
Get what you love and make sure you swoon when wearing it! But, don’t break the bank. Ebay has quite a few custom wedding dress makers who can make exactly what you want or pretty close to it fir $200. It is best that you start this process early and test out some vendors by looking at previous work. Ebay also has overseas sellers who will sell you the dress at an insane discount because they sell their stock dresses to the same companies who mark it up 300-700% and sell it back to you.Wedding Invitations
People throw these out once the day is over so there’s no need to spend more than $150 in this area depending on how many guests you’re planning on having. Vista Print has an awesome deal for wedding invitations at $75 for $200 invitations. If you really want something fancy for your own memories then create that special invitation just for you and maybe your parents but otherwise, paying for something your guests will eventually toss in the trash is a waste of money.
Target also sells wedding invitations that can be printed out at home. Again, you may spend the same amount of money as Vista Print depending on how many guests you plan on having.
Bridesmaid Dresses
Whatever you do, please don’t make your bridesmaids spend $300+ on a dress. They will hate you for it especially if they can’t wear it again. Trust me, I’ve been there a few times! Give them information on how to rent a bridesmaid gown/dress as prices start as low as $65! Do them a favor and rent the dress!
This is one area that has come down in price over the years with the advent of the iPod and other music devices. Unless the DJ is coming with his own equipment, talk them down to a decent price. Today, I would pay no more than $600 for a DJ at my wedding. When got married, they were charging $1500 for 4 hours. I didn’t go with that option and I am glad we didn’t. Bottom line is I would get a schedule of music I want played and have an iPod savvy friend or family member work the iPod during the course of the day. At the most you may need to rent speakers and other equipment but that’s it.
All in One Catering Hall (location + food/catering in one place)
This is often the best bet when trying to secure a catering hall with a wedding location. You pay for everything in one price rather than going a la carte when you find a location that doesn’t offer catering. Wedding caterers are known to jack up the prices because they know how to pull at your heart strings given the enormity of the big day. They will charge you extra down to the type of fork you use, so be savvy about this and get everything done for one low(er) price.
I was fortunate enough to be able to use my uncle’s home as he has a rather large estate at 10,000 square feet and 8 bedrooms. Therefore we were able to save $4000 on the location and move some of that money towards the caterer. You can even check with large estates that have gone empty if they are on the market. Check with the Realtor to see if the owner would be open to renting out the home for your big day.
Something else that helped cut costs is that since my family is Vegan, we did not have the cost markup that can come with having meat on the menu. Before you gag, no one knew the menu was vegan! Based on some of the selections, let’s just say the meat eaters thought we had meat on the menu! And to this day, people talk about the menu on our wedding day, it was indeed delish!
I tend to think that this is an area where you should splurge because this crystallizes all the memories of your wedding day via video or pictures. This is not the time to skimp and go with a photography student or a novice in the field. I’ve heard horror stories of people not showing up or forgetting film etc This isn’t limited to newbie video/photographers but personally, it isn’t a risk I would take. Still paying more than $2000 in this area is a bit much. Make sure you understand what you’re getting and talk to other brides to get a sense of their experiences.
Destination Wedding
This is my favorite option and I even wish we did this instead of staying stateside. Looking back, the whole wedding would have cost us no more than $7000 if we went this route. Brides are often concerned about some family members not being able to afford this option but if money is tight, do it. You can always have a party when you get back to announce your nuptials formally.
Looking at the Ritz Carlton in Jamaica (where I totally want to have a vow renewal ceremony!) and based on the numbers it would cost no more than $5000. I’m a little older now so it doesn’t bother me that certain people wouldn’t be able to make it. If they think you are important enough then they will make it their business to be there. And, if they can’t, that’s OKAY too. Remember, everyone who is supposed to be at your wedding will be, don’t sweat the people who can’t or won’t come if you choose this option. This is your day, own it.
As always negotiate prices in each area where you can! Nothing is set in stone as all vendors are eager to get your business. Most of the time they are expecting you to negotiate and have a price in mind based on your request. As the day nears, compose yourself and be mindful of your spending, but don’t forget to stop and soak it all up! You have one chance to get it right so don’t let anything mess it up!
Information from http://www.wisebread.com/best-money-tips-tips-for-a-frugal-wedding
Clean Eating Jambalaya
I made this recipe a few weeks ago and it was amazing. Eric has had jambalaya before and didn't like it but he loved this recipe. I altered the recipe a bit, I used 1 1/2 cups of water instead of the broth and no thyme.
(Makes approximately 14 servings)
2 lbs clean sausage, sliced (you can sub with shrimp or extra chicken if you can’t find clean sausage)
2 lbs. raw chicken breast, cut into small pieces (about 1/2 inch cubes)
2 large red onions, chopped
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 green bell peppers, chopped
2 red bell peppers, chopped
4 large stalks celery, sliced thin
1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce, no sugar added
1/4 tsp. cayenne
2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp. onion powder
2 tsp. thyme
3 cups brown rice, dry
3 cups chicken broth, low sodium is best (keep some extra on reserve just in case you need extra during cooking.)
Step 1 – In a large pot, sauté the onions, bell peppers and celery in the olive oil.
Step 2 – Add the chicken and sausage to the pot and cook for about 3-5 minutes, just to give it a head start.
Step 3 – Add everything else, and cook over medium heat until the rice is cooked through (about an hour, give or take). Watch the post as time goes on. You may need to add some extra broth if things get too dry. Stir often to avoid burning on the bottom of the pot.
Eat and Enjoy!
Nutritional Content
1 serving = 1 cup
(This data was figured using shrimp instead of sausage)
Calories: 322
Total Fat: 3 gm
Saturated Fats: 1 gm
Trans Fats: 0 gm
Cholesterol: 135 mg (from the shrimp)
Sodium: 330 mg
Carbohydrates: 39 gm
Dietary fiber: 3 gm
Sugars: 3 gm
Protein: 32 gm
Estimated Glycemic Load: 24
(Makes approximately 14 servings)
2 lbs clean sausage, sliced (you can sub with shrimp or extra chicken if you can’t find clean sausage)
2 lbs. raw chicken breast, cut into small pieces (about 1/2 inch cubes)
2 large red onions, chopped
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 green bell peppers, chopped
2 red bell peppers, chopped
4 large stalks celery, sliced thin
1 (15 oz.) can tomato sauce, no sugar added
1/4 tsp. cayenne
2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp. onion powder
2 tsp. thyme
3 cups brown rice, dry
3 cups chicken broth, low sodium is best (keep some extra on reserve just in case you need extra during cooking.)
Step 1 – In a large pot, sauté the onions, bell peppers and celery in the olive oil.
Step 2 – Add the chicken and sausage to the pot and cook for about 3-5 minutes, just to give it a head start.
Step 3 – Add everything else, and cook over medium heat until the rice is cooked through (about an hour, give or take). Watch the post as time goes on. You may need to add some extra broth if things get too dry. Stir often to avoid burning on the bottom of the pot.
Eat and Enjoy!
Nutritional Content
1 serving = 1 cup
(This data was figured using shrimp instead of sausage)
Calories: 322
Total Fat: 3 gm
Saturated Fats: 1 gm
Trans Fats: 0 gm
Cholesterol: 135 mg (from the shrimp)
Sodium: 330 mg
Carbohydrates: 39 gm
Dietary fiber: 3 gm
Sugars: 3 gm
Protein: 32 gm
Estimated Glycemic Load: 24
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